Croissance, convergence et interactions spatiales
Guest edited by
Julie LE GALLO et Sandy DALL’ERBA, Introduction : “Croissance, convergence et interactions régionales : les outils récents de l’analyse spatiale quantitative”
Maria ABREU, Henri L.F. de GROOT and Raymond J.G.M. FLORAX, “Space and Growth: A Survey of Empirical Evidence and Methods”
Mark V. JANIKAS and Sergio J. REY, “Spatial Clustering, Inequality and Income Convergence”
Cem ERTUR et Wilfried KOCH, “Une analyse exploratoire des disparités régionales dans l’Europe élargie”
Roberto BASILE and Bernard GRESS, “Semi-Parametric Spatial Auto-Covariance Models of Regional Growth in Europe”
Sandy DALL’ERBA et Julie LE GALLO, “Dynamique du processus de convergence régionale en Europe”
Marco PERCOCO, “The Impact of Structural Funds on the Italian Mezzogiorno, 1994-1999”
Carlos R. AZZONI and Alexandre S. ANDRADE, “The Tertiary Sector and Regional Inequality in Brazil”
Claus ASTRUP and Sébastien DESSUS, “Targeting the Poor beyond Gaza or the West Bank: The Geography of Poverty in the Palestinian Territories”