Journal founded in 1995 by Gilbert Benhayoun and Maurice Catin.

International Journal (2 numbers a year).
Published by L’Harmattan, Paris.
Journal referenced in ECONLIT (Journal of Economic Literature) and in IDEAS-REPEC (ranked 2nd of french journals, see Journal Impact Factor).
The LEAD (Laboratory of Economics Applied to Development), Université de Toulon is in charge of the editorial direction and the editorial responsibility of the journal.
This journal is devoted to the different economic aspects of regional development.
In recent years, spatial analysis has strongly developed and is assuming significant importance within different disciplines such as Development Economics, Economic Geography, Regional and Urban Economics or Spatial Econometrics. The spatial dimension of economic phenomena clearly appears in public planning and policies, in regional integration processes, but also in the firms’ localization, competitiveness and product differentiation strategies. This spatial dimension may be seized on different levels, from local to international.
Various high-quality and widely-read journals deal either with Development Economics or with Regional and Urban economics, but none of them explicitly crosses both fields. This means that some economic literature is strongly disseminated and often badly outlined, while the experiences and methods, the definition and the assessment of policies are rarely confronted. The aim of Region et Developpement is to bring together authors and studies from these two different fields of economic literature. It also aims to collect and highlight these studies in order to provide an outlet for a thorough scientific reflection on geographical development economics.
The papers submitted to the journal may focus on theoretical or methodological aspects, or on empirical analyses. The may be written in French or in English. One of the most prominent aims of the journal is to diffuse the methods and tools of analysis in among the Regional Sciences’ and Development Economics’ community.
On-line version : ISSN 2117-0843
Paper version : ISSN 1267-5059
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